<strong>Argentina exports more Premium wine in bulk</strong>

During 2022 Argentina exported 68.8 million liters of bulk wine, which represented a total of 58.6 million dollars.

The year-on-year growth of foreign sales was negative, of the order of 40.7%, and had a differential behavior between the different types of wines, the generic ones registered a 73.8% fall, while the varietal wines experienced a 2. 3% decrease.

The participation of varietal wines over the total exported continues to increase, representing 84.5% for the period under study, which implies an increase of 19 percentage points compared to the previous year, and in line with what was registered throughout the 2018-2021 period, where the participation of varietal wines went from 34.6% in 2018 to 65% during 2021.

This reflects a continuous and growing premiumization of bulk wine exports, with greater shares of varietal wines and especially mono varietals over total sales, such as Chardonnay; Pinot Gris and Torrontes Riojano.

Malbec is still the star

In relation to the most exported varieties, Malbec continues to be the most relevant figure, with a 75% participation of the total monovarietal exported during 2022. It is followed in importance by Chardonnay (10%), Torrontés Riojano (3 .3%) and Pinot Gris (2.6%).

In fact, Malbec in bulk has had an increase of 10 percentage points in relation to the same period of the previous year.

Regarding the average prices registered during 2022, it can be seen that the monovarietal wines that registered the highest year-on-year growth were Cabernet Sauvignon with +83% (1.01 USD/l.), Syrah with +63% (0. 82 USD/l.) and Chardonnay with +23% (0.93 USD/l.). While Malbec rose to an average value of $0.97 USD/Liter, which represented a 1.5% year-on-year growth.

The role of companies associated with the Argentine Bulk Wine Chamber

During 2022? the companies that are part of the Argentine Bulk Wine Chamber represented 27% of the total bulk wine exports, having a more representative participation in generic wines (73.1%) and a lower one for wine varietals (18.6%). During this period, operations were registered by 65 companies, of which 15 are part of the Argentine Bulk Wine Chamber.

During this year, exports were registered to 34 countries, being the United Kingdom (+13.2%) and the United States (+10.4%) the destinations that experienced the greatest increase in the share of the volume exported. While China (-12.8%) and Canada (-10.3%) lost relevance in foreign sales.

This way, The United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, together are the 3 main export destinations, representing 70% of the total Argentine bulk wine exports, for which varietal wines represented 93% of the total.

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