Vinos a Granel


World Bulk Wine Exhibition Yantai China
World Bulk Wine Exhibition Amsterdam Países Bajos
World Bulk Wine Exhibition de Santa Rosa, California EEUU

It develops through two axes. One is the participation in specialized international fairs such as:

Within this axis, the Argentina Wine Business Trip is also taking place, an event organized jointly with ProMendoza and the Federal Investment Council (CFI) the provinces of Mendoza and San Juan, with the aim of promoting the visit of international buyers to the region.

The second axis is the joint work with the National Directorate for Export Promotion under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship in the dissemination of a specific international trade promotion program; providing qualified information, training material and organizing business activities, so that Argentine embassies abroad can learn more about it and improve the active search for business opportunities that allow national wineries to enter and succeed in foreign consumer markets.

Our exportable offer

Access the most complete and reliable information on the Argentine wine offer in Argentina Bulk Wine Online


Expanding the export base is an essential activity to guarantee the success of a long-term
strategy in which, in turn, multiple actors are favored by the benefits of diversifying their
commercial possibilities.

The training activities contribute to increasing the knowledge of company personnel in the
areas required to improve their productivity and competitiveness. Therefore, the task is to
train new players in market research, trade negotiations and international logistics, among
other topics of interest.


The purpose is to strengthen the tools of those small and medium-sized national companies
related to wine and optimize the international commercial promotion of Argentine bulk wine.


“Fundamentals of viticulture and bulk wines in the world”

–Introduction of Bulk Wine
–Organization and Wine Culture
–Past, Present and Future of Bulk Wine: Identity and uniqueness
–Wines of the World. Old and New World

“Business in the domestic and foreign markets, wine marketing and communication”
-Market behavior
–Product Management, Design and Differentiation
–Marketing Mindset: Integrated Marketing Communications
–Wine Communication

“volume economy”
–Management and Leadership

-International logistics
-Finance. Balance: Budgets
–Argentine World and Regional Economy